Find out what professional assistance you might need and how to engage a registered conveyancer, legal practitioner or licensed surveyor.
Change your residential, postal or company address. If you don't do this your old address will remain on the certificate of title.
Your Certificate of Title needs to be updated if you have changed your name. Read more to find out how to change your name on your Certificate of Title.
Notification of a death
While Land Services SA cannot provide legal advice on property transactions, we have developed resources to assist you, should you decide to prepare and lodge your own legal documents as a self-represented party.
You can search the history of a block of land and research family history through the register book.
Subscribe to our Title Watch service and monitor activity against selected properties
Read the latest communications from the Registrar-General.
The Registrar-General’s Statutory Instruments set out specific legal requirements for dealing with land in South Australia.
This calculator will add up the fee for all types of plans and documents that can be lodged with Land Services SA.
The property transfer fees calculator quickly figures the stamp duty
Click here to view all relevant Land Transaction Fees
The Registrar-General’s Plan Presentation Requirements (PPR) describes the requirements for property related plans lodged Land Services SA in South Australia.
Lodge your cadastral survey plans through the Electronic Plan Lodgement System.
Land Services have developed a Guidance Note to assist Industry Professionals when completing an "Application for Rectification of Boundaries under s223J of the Real Property Act 1886."
Find out SAILIS account and invoicing updates here
Land Services SA provides the most up to date South Australian Parcel Cadastre Maps and data, that can be further augmented with our property information. Leverage the most up to date cadastre maps for land administration, mapping and spatial analysis purposes.
Extend your research and planning by adding layers of relevant and up to date property data to cadastre. Join other top tier users who no longer settle for a basic cadastre and discover where the additional data can take you.
Our Parcel Cadastre Data can be produced for any specific geographic area of interest, or for the whole of South Australia. One off requests, ongoing supply and refreshed data are available, whichever best meets your project requirements.
The data attributes included in our base cadastre data set are listed below. We also offer clients the advantage of including additional data attributes from our extensive range of property date. View the Land Services Data Catalogue understand the additional data attributes that can be mapped on your cadastre.
Please view our Parcel Cadastre Data Dictionary here for further assistance on selecting your attributes.
Data field
Plan type
Plan type code (i.e.D = Deposited Plan, F = File Plan, S = Strata Plan, C = Community Plan, H = Hundred Plan)
Plan Number
Alpha/numeric Plan number (i.e 1234)
Parcel Type
Parcel type code (i.e. A = Allotment, S = Section, Q = Piece, B = Block)
Subtype of the parcel
This field indicates the type of parcel (i.e. AL = Allotment, AR = Allotment (Road), QP = Piece, BL = Block)
Parcel Number
Type of title. i.e.CL Crown Lease, CT Certificate of Title, CR – Crown record
Title Volume
Title Folio
When title fields are populated this field indicates that there is more than one title with ¿+titles¿, otherwise field left blank
Floor level of the parcel extracted from the plan. Where a parcel spreads over more than one floor, there will be more be more than one record.
Creation date of the parcel.
Id of the parcel in a format with space between the plan and the parcel.
The accuracy of each boundary corner is described by an accuracy code. The code ranges from 0 to 7 (improved accuracy is reflected by descending number). On digital output, this accuracy code is attached to other feature types (e.g.polygons). These coordinate values have been derived by computation using plan measurements and tertiary network survey marks for control.
This field indicates parcels that have been spatially improved.
Parcel Identifier, concatenation of PLAN_T, PLAN, PARCEL_T and PLAN values. In the form of D12345A67
New Parcel ID field including the additional character for the Parcel Type
Circumference of the shape representing the property in the cadastre.
Area of the shape representing the property in the cadastre.
Our Parcel Cadastre Data is easily modified to best suit your needs . We create the data, you choose the format.
If you have any other specific format requirements, just ask, we're more than happy to work with you to meet your project needs.
Contact us at [email protected] to discuss your cadastre requirements directly.
Access a wide range of historical cadastres covering the whole State of South Australia going back to 2019. These archives, subject to availability, contain not only all land parcel boundaries at time of extraction, many also provide overlays of additional datasets to augment your research.