cadastral data

Land Services SA provides the most up to date South Australian Parcel Cadastre Data.  Leverage our data for land administration, mapping and spatial analysis purposes.

How can you leverage our data....

  • Assess potential sites for solar and carbon farming projects.
  • Planning and infrastructure projects
  • Notification to land holders of mining exploration works
  • Surveying projects and fieldwork preparation
  • Update client GIS platform
  • Consulting for environmental projects.

Why Land Services Cadastral Data?

  • The only SA cadastre that is updated daily.
  • Select from hundreds of property attributes  from our comprehensive data catalogue to add to your cadastre.
  • Come direct to the source of SA's property data.


Our Parcel Cadastre Data can be produced for a geographic area of interest, or for the whole of South Australia.  One off requests, ongoing supplies and refreshed data are available at your request, we provide the data that best meets your project requirements.

The data attributes included in our data set are listed below. We also offer clients the advantage of including additional data attributes. You download a copy of the LSSA Data Catalogue to view our comprehensive range of property data.

Please view our Parcel Cadastre Data Dictionary here for further assistance on selecting your attributes.

Standard Data Attributes

Data field



Plan type

Plan type code (i.e.D = Deposited Plan, F = File Plan, S = Strata Plan, C = Community Plan, H = Hundred Plan)


Plan Number

Alpha/numeric Plan number (i.e 1234)


Parcel Type

Parcel type code (i.e. A = Allotment, S = Section, Q = Piece, B = Block)


Subtype of the parcel

This field indicates the type of parcel (i.e. AL = Allotment, AR = Allotment (Road), QP = Piece, BL = Block)


Parcel Number


Type of title. i.e.CL Crown Lease, CT Certificate of Title, CR – Crown record


Title Volume


Title Folio


When title fields are populated this field indicates that there is more than one title with ¿+titles¿, otherwise field left blank


Floor level of the parcel extracted from the plan.  Where a parcel spreads over more than one floor, there will be more be more than one record.


Creation date of the parcel.


Id of the parcel in a format with space between the plan and the parcel.


The accuracy of each boundary corner is described by an accuracy code.  The code ranges from 0 to 7 (improved accuracy is reflected by descending number). On digital output, this accuracy code is attached to other feature types (e.g.polygons). These coordinate values have been derived by computation using plan measurements and tertiary network survey marks for control.


This field indicates parcels that have been spatially improved.


Parcel Identifier, concatenation of PLAN_T, PLAN, PARCEL_T and PLAN values. In the form of D12345A67


New Parcel ID field including the additional character for the Parcel Type


Circumference of the shape representing the property in the cadastre.


Area of the shape representing the property in the cadastre.

Available Formats

Our Parcel Cadastre Data is easily modified to best suit your needs . We create the data, you choose the format.

  • ShapeFile
  • Geopackage
  • CAD

If you have any other specific format requirements, just ask, we're more than happy to work with you to meet your project needs.

Cadastre Adelaide

Request data

Contact Land Services SA at [email protected] to discuss your data requirements directly.