Land Services SA’s (LSSA) environmental, social and governance (ESG) approach reflects our responsibility to our clients, stakeholders and the communities in which we operate. Further, as a valued and long-term service provider in the property industry, Land Services SA believe it is our responsibility to the lead the way in our commitment to sustainability and encourage other industry participates to do the same.  In order to achieve this, we continue to engage in clear dialogue with stakeholders and build strong relationships, understanding external dynamics, earning and maintaining trust, enhancing business performance and evolving our ESG approach.

Our ESG objectives:



We are committed to reducing our environmental impact and identifying our known environmental risks.

We seek to manage our environmental risks and where possible we aim to improve our environmental performance by considering our direct and indirect impact and dependencies on, and how we are impacted by:

  • Resource efficiency and pollution prevention; and
  • Climate Change and energy transition

At LSSA we are playing our role in the decarbonisation of the economy, taking action to achieve Net Zero emissions of Scope 1 and 2 emissions by FY30.



As a business that performs an important service, we have a responsibility to support our employees and the communities in which we live and work.

LSSA is committed to fostering a safe, inclusive and diverse workplace that respects human rights, supports employee well-being, and promotes community development.

At LSSA we rely on our highly skilled and capable people to deliver our services that support our customers. We have programs in place to assist our employees achieve their best. We also provide all LSSA staff with the opportunity to complete Mental Health First Aid Training is just one of the many ways we work to ensure staff are supported and empowered.

Our employee led approach to giving, empowers our passionate people to contribute service, financial support and leadership to community organisations they chose.



We are committed to ensuring that our business is conducted ethically and transparently, with a strong commitment to compliance and risk management. At LSSA, good business conduct and ethics are fostered, supported and continually evolved through a framework of policies controls, processes and reporting mechanisms to manage compliance, legal, reputation and operational risks.

We believe that by actively pursuing these ESG objectives, we can enhance our business performance, mitigate risks, and contribute to the broader goals of sustainability and responsible investment. Our progress towards these objectives will be regularly monitored and reported on, and we are committed to continuous improvement in our ESG practices.

Program Overview

The LSSA ESG Program has three work streams that it must deliver as part of its Corporate Responsibility. LSSA has expanded elements of these and made targets within each more ambitious to embed and leverage these existing workstreams into its Sustainability Performance Targets (SPT’s). Together the workstreams, SPT, and primary reporting framework and standards feed each other supporting our commitments in our ESG ecosystem.

CategoryTargetSuccess CriteriaStatus and Recent Achievements

Net Zero emissions of Scope 1 and 2 emissions by 2030

2025 - Total scope 1 and scope 2 greenhouse gas emissions to be no more than 11.70 tCO2e.

2024 – Total scope 1 and scope 2 greenhouse gas emissions to be no more than 18.47 tCO2e.

On Track

By June 2023 transitioned 60% of the car fleet from petrol cars to a mix of fully electric cars and hybrids.


Support and enable diversity and inclusion in the workforce by ensuring a minimum proportion of workforces considered to be disadvantaged

Promote healthy lives and well-being by ensuring a minimum proportion of workforce offered and completed mental health first aid training

2025 - Increase proportion of Disadvantaged Employees to 2% of FTE.

Maintain the proportion of total workforce to have completed the training at 100%.

2024 - Increase proportion of Disadvantaged Employees to 1% of FTE.

Maintain the proportion of total workforce to have completed Mental Health First Aid training at 100%.

On track

In August 2021 initiated explicit hiring policies to attract diverse employees.

In May 2023 fully implemented mental health first aid training for 100% of staff.


Dedicated Environmental Policy and Risks

Annual Emissions Audit

GRESB Annual Reporting

Minimum success rate in data security and customer privacy metric

Delivery of an Environmental and Sustainability Policy supporting the organisation and its people to commit to ESG aligned way of working.

Quarterly reporting to Board and Equity.

By 2025 increase success rate for internal “Friendly Phising” email training to 99%.

On track