Land Titling Advisory Group

Established in 2018,  the purpose of the Land Titling Advisory Group (LTAG) is to create a long-term communication channel between property industry stakeholders, the Office of the Registrar-General (ORG) and Land Services SA (LSSA).

The LTAG aims to facilitate transparent stakeholder consultation, which enables members to raise issues and concerns, and seek clarification on a range of relevant matters. The LTAG also enables the ORG and LSSA to advise and collaborate on changes relevant to industry.  It is not a decision-making body, but rather an open, consultative body for the purposes of two-way advice and clarification. Feedback from the LTAG is used as part of decision-making processes by both LSSA and the ORG. The LTAG considers a wide range of matters including, but not limited to:

  • Consulting on the development of policy and legislative changes affecting land transactions in South Australia.
  • Clarifying and advising on LSSA administration and procedures, including land registry forms
  • Advising on and clarifying eConveyancing updates, as well as conducting follow-up consultation and implementation
  • Advising on and clarifying compliance requirements and auditing regimes.

Land Titling Advisory Group Terms and Reference

LTAG Terms of Reference - Download PDF

Membership in the LTAG is established through an expression of interest (EOI) process that is instigated via a Customer Information Bulletin. The Law Society (SA) and Australian Institute of Conveyancers (SA) will be approached directly for their participation. Members are appointed for a term of two years.

Both the ORG and LSSA are committed to creating an LTAG that is diverse and inclusive of firms of different sizes, geographical location and transaction volume to accurately reflect the property industry in South Australia.

To express your interest in becoming a member of the LTAG, please complete the application form. Applications open from 10 January 2025 and close 24 January 2025.

Express your interest - here.

Land Titling Advisory Group Member as appointed in 2023

Those selected for LTAG membership will be individually notified and a list of names and organisation will be published on this page once finalised.